A Story a Day: Day 11
This is becoming quite the habit, isn’t it?
A ritual, even.
How long does that take to form, to grow, to cultivate?
Spread your wings and fly.
You’ll never walk alone.
We are the products, remnants, descendants of so much else — and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
How could we?
How would we?
Context is all: we exist in it.
And context is selfless: it does nothing but give.
It knows that we will leave, and it welcomes this.
It knows that sometimes it has to die for us to live.
I look above and I don’t know what I see.
I need words but they elude me.
The reality of definition: stark.
The reality of life: hard.
The reality of a resolutely-fucking-stupid-human: being.
Sometimes, it sucks.
I don’t know what I see, but I find words to express it, and that makes it real.
Through this, through words, through speech, you recognise me. We find solace in solidarity — the small things. I feel seen and heard and held and greedy. I feel soft and scared and young and dizzy.
The things we don’t say: I’m not asking for much, but my god do I want.
The things we don’t feel: I want to stop.
Breathe: an opening.
Chest to chest, nose to nose, palm to palm: close.
Darkness is not the absence of light, but a space in time in its own right.
Honour it.