The only thing that any of us has to do is be truthful.

It sounds simple, and it is.

Rachel Clifton
2 min readNov 22, 2022
Photo by Reza Hasannia on Unsplash

We are born dying.

The purpose of life is to learn how to live before our time on Earth runs out.

These words are a prophecy.

I think, therefore I am — or will be.

Descartes would’ve loved me.

I am learning how to love me (even more deeply).

Buy my bookplease. ;)

Tentative. Whimsical. Only the dogs will save us.

I write because I love it.

I write because it matters.

I write because it strips me bare.

I write because I feel my physicality in words.

I write because I love my physicality in words.

I write because before I knew how to embrace my physical form, I knew how to write.

I write because I have always known more than I thought I did even when I thought I was stupid & crazy…



Rachel Clifton

Perennially irreverent. Gently fierce. Fiercely loving. A thing of beauty, work of art & human being, just like you.